The way you speak to yourself impacts every aspect of your life. If you are hard on yourself, you tend to be more stressed. In this episode, you will learn why self-compassion and resilience are essential to your physical and mental health.
How much time do you spend a day sitting in front of your computer or watching television? Is it less than 7 hours, or is it even more? The more time you spend sitting at work or home, the more likely you
Self-regulation is the ability to understand feelings and thoughts. In this podcast episode, you will learn more about self-regulation and how this supports resilience. Meet Cara Dinley Cara Dinley is a movement and body voice specialist, graduating from the University of Melbourne
The way you speak to yourself impacts every aspect of your life. If you are hard on yourself, you tend to be more stressed. In this episode, you will learn why self-compassion and resilience are essential to your physical and mental health.
How do you stay motivated when your heart isn’t in it? Regardless of how generally motivated you are, we all have tasks that we don’t want to do. Maybe because you find them boring or they make you anxious. So how can
Failures are normal since everyone fails at a certain point. But how can we overcome these failures? What skills do we need to acquire, and what strategies do we need to take to thrive in these challenging times? In this podcast episode,
How do you feel after a setback or a stressful situation? Do you feel hopeful that it will be better next time or downtrodden that it will always be a failure? What you feel or think after these stressful situations will have