Prof. Neil Jeyasingam: How Do Personality Assessments Compare? | Self-improvement Atlas #26

In this episode, host Aditi Kutty is joined by Professor Niel Jeyasingam, a distinguished psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and psychodynamic psychotherapy supervisor

Getting to know someone’s character and behavior is important, and personality assessments can really come in handy for that. They get used in various areas, like psychology, career development, and team dynamics. 

Meet Professor Neil Jeyasingam

Professor Neil Jeyasingam is a well-known psychiatrist with advanced training and double master’s degrees in psychiatry and business. 

Professor Neil has notable publications in mental health, particularly phenomenology and personality disorders in old age.

Professor Neil is a respected mental health expert and Clinical Associate Professor at Sydney University. He’s also a former Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry NSW Chair.

About the episode

In this episode hosted by Aditi Kutty, Professor Neil Jeyasingam discusses personality assessments and their implications for understanding oneself. 

Prof. Neil stressed the value of assessing others’ perspectives for personal growth, not just for ego or job advancement.

Prof. Neil explained the difference between temperament and personality, highlighting that personality evolves over time. 

Prof. Neil discussed the use of 360-degree evaluations, various types of personality assessments, and their limitations.

Professor Neil also shared insightful perspectives on success, money, and the importance of personal growth beyond material achievements. 

In conclusion

Taking personality assessments can be transformative for personal growth, self-awareness, and understanding others’ perspectives, leading to stronger and healthier relationships. Let’s remember the importance of continuous progress, recognize the limitations of self-reported assessments, and utilize them as tools for self-improvement rather than seeking validation.

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