Joyce Low: Resolute Beginnings — Recognizing Burnout Red Flags for Productivity Protection #44

In this episode, host Johanna Wickramaratne is joined by Joyce Low, who is a highly qualified professional with qualifications in professional life coaching, counseling, and psychodynamic art psychotherapy

In this episode, host Johanna Wickramaratne, with guest Joyce Low, tackles the complex issue of burnout—a silent productivity hindrance that can drain individuals emotionally and physically. Get ready for a transformative journey as they explore how to recognize early signs of burnout and safeguard productivity.

Meet Joyce Low

Joyce Low is a highly qualified professional with a diverse range of expertise. With professional life coaching, counseling, and psychodynamic art psychotherapy qualifications, Joyce brings a unique blend of skills to her practice. Additionally, her lawyer background and mindfulness, meditation, and Qigong teacher certifications further enrich her abilities. 

Joyce has extensive experience working with individuals in various contexts, including addiction recovery, intellectual disabilities, caregiving, healthcare, dementia rehabilitation, palliative care, grief, trauma, relationship issues, workplace burnout, life transitions, anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. In her therapy sessions, Joyce employs an integrative and flexible approach incorporating different therapies, including mindfulness, to best support her clients.

About the episode

In this episode, our guest Joyce shares invaluable insights into the subtle red flags of burnout that often go unnoticed. From workplace stress to the challenges of everyday life, Joyce sheds light on the importance of identifying early signs of burnout for ourselves and those around us.

Throughout the conversation, Joyce emphasizes the art of setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care as essential shields to protect our productivity and mental well-being. Joyce and Joahanna discuss a roadmap for recognizing burnout and alleviating its impact, providing listeners with tools to sustain peak productivity and overall well-being.

Tune in to discover effective self-assessment strategies, the significance of acknowledging early signs of burnout, and the keys to incorporating resilience into your daily life.

In conclusion

Key takeaways from this episode include the importance of recognizing and addressing early signs of burnout, the art of setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care, and the role of resilience in sustaining productivity and mental well-being. By implementing the discussed techniques, individuals can thrive, maintain peak productivity, and have a sustainable work-life balance. Tune in now to embark on a transformative journey towards resilience and heightened productivity.

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