It’s easy for people to fall into the traps of low self-esteem in a world where likes, shares, and virtual approval frequently measure self-worth. The term “Floccinaucinihilipilification” may sound like a tongue twister, yet it perfectly conveys the essence of low self-esteem
One of the most misunderstood groups of mental health conditions is eating disorders. Eating disorders are defined as eating behaviors and attitudes toward food intake and weight, which can have complicated and serious physical and emotional consequences. Millions of people around the
Motivation refers to the magnitude and direction of behavior on choices people make and the degree of effort they will make in that respect. It is the drive to achieve goals or needs. Motivation is influenced by how eagerly you want to
At one point in their life, people compare themselves to things like wealth, success, and looks with others, especially with family, friends, and public figures. This phenomenon, also known as social comparison, is explained by Leon Festinger (1954) as “a human tendency