Infidelity is heartbreaking. It wreaks havoc in a relationship and brings it to an end. It’s a disturbing and difficult challenge, not just for someone’s current relationship but also for their future. Infidelity is detrimental to mental health and well-being and carries
When you think about love, what comes to mind? Perhaps your significant other, or maybe an everlasting bond that makes you feel complete. If you’ve been lucky enough to feel this way in life, it’s all thanks to the hormone oxytocin. Commonly
Imagine this: you come home after a long day at work and get into a minor disagreement with your partner. It happens often, doesn’t it? However, you might have noticed how sometimes these squabbles can spiral into heated arguments, stressing you and
For most sexually involved couples, contraception is an integral part of their relationship. It impacts reproductive choices and family planning goals and takes into account health considerations involved with sexual activities. Contraception plays a key role in the partners’ overall relationship satisfaction
Relationships are a complex yet beautiful experience. Committing to sharing your life with someone involves a lot of hopes, desires, and, of course, expectations. Whether you realize it or not, we all have expectations from our partners and relationships. Media plays an
The internet has been a revolutionary invention, opening avenues for communication and connection. While it has its advantages, there is no denying that the internet has given rise to new challenges, particularly concerning fidelity. With the rise in social media platforms and
“..And they lived happily ever after.” You’ve heard this phrase in stories quite often, but it’s safe to say that not all love stories have a happy ending. In fact, love is sometimes unrequited or doesn’t unfold as expected. Heartbreaks are quite
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” — Carl Gustav Jung Imagine setting yourself up for an expedition — a journey that will expose you to unpredictable challenges
When you hear someone say, “I’m attached to this person,” your mind understands it as “having strong feelings of love and care for someone.” In literal terms, attachment is having a deep affection for someone and being dependent on them for happiness.
Jealousy is a detrimental but inevitable part of any relationship. It’s a completely natural emotion. However, it may spiral into destructive behavior patterns, compromising trust and communication, thus harming the relationship. Managing jealousy can be challenging since it is fueled by self-doubt