Sero Boost

Maggie Hamilton: Loneliness | Sero Boost #10

You might think being alone and feeling lonely are the same, but they are not. Being alone can mean choosing to be alone, doing the things you love, and finding joy in these things. However, loneliness is about feeling disconnected from everyone.

Meet Maggie Hamilton

Maggie Hamilton writes books, gives frequent talks, and is a keen observer of social trends. Her books, published in over 12 countries worldwide, include What Men Don’t Talk About, on the lives of real men and boys; What’s Happening to Our Girls? and What’s Happening to Our Boys? looking at the issues kids are facing and workable solutions; When We Become Strangers, intimate snapshots around the landscape of loneliness, and the many unexpected ways loneliness leaks into our lives, and how to do things better and differently; and What Happens To Our Kids When We Fail to Grow Up, how to recognize the child within yourself and others comes out to play, and how best to equip yourself (and your kids) for the future.

About the episode

In this podcast episode hosted by Aditi Kutty, Maggie defined loneliness as a disconnection that may lead to anxiety and disorder. She also compared the difference between solitude and loneliness. Being alone without feeling lonely is a state of solitude, and it is a healthy and empowering way to interact with oneself. 

Maggie also talked about how loneliness is linked to one’s happiness. While she also shared some tips, especially for young adults who are most likely to feel loneliness, and how to deal with it.

Additionally, Maggie said that there are certain skills and practices a person can do to cope with loneliness. And that it is essential that you are committed to yourself and get to know yourself even more–a great way to achieve that is through meditation.

In conclusion

Loneliness is a normal human emotion, but it is uncomfortable. And that loneliness is different from solitude. Since solitude means a state of being alone where you provide yourself with wonderful and sufficient company. If you’re experiencing loneliness, there are good habits you can develop to overcome it.

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