Overcoming Blame Game: Fostering Healthy Communication in Personal Life

11 months ago

John and Sally are working on a project together. An issue is flagged by their direct manager, and suddenly, both…

Rebeca Islam: Revive Your Love – Reigniting the Spark in a Dying Relationship | Reloscope #37

11 months ago

Get ready for an engaging episode featuring the incredible Rebeca Islam. In this episode, Rebeca shares her expertise and personal…

Need Help in Time Management? There’s an AI Tool For That

11 months ago

Time stands as an invaluable resource in the lives of humans. Nevertheless, in today's fast-paced, distraction-laden world, the art of…

Accessible Living: Tips and Tricks for Organizing Homes for Wheelchair Users

11 months ago

People with motor limitations often feel restricted in carrying out daily activities and generally live most of their lives in…

Family Planning Unveiled: Empowering Families to Make Informed Decisions on Contraception

11 months ago

Family planning consists of various methods that enable families to decide when to have children, the number of children, and…

Erin Lee: Mindful Living – Cultivating Present-Moment Awareness | Doing Well #37

11 months ago

Modern lifestyles often prioritize productivity and achievement over inner peace and emotional well-being, leaving individuals feeling unfulfilled and disconnected. Practicing…

Bob Edelstein, LMFT, MFT: Overcoming Chronic Guilt | Sero Boost #37

11 months ago

Guilt can weigh heavily on individuals, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-blame. In such cases, practicing self-compassion and reframing…

Guilt’s Gift: Discovering Joyful Transformation Through Self-Reflection

11 months ago

Guilt is a common emotion that arises when you believe you have done something wrong or have not met your…

Nila F. A. Patty-Pelupessy, MSc: Sustainable Ways for Zero Waste Home | Room by Room #37

11 months ago

The planet faces unprecedented waste pollution, environmental degradation, irreversible ecosystems, and natural resource damage. Adopting zero-waste living practices, which involve…

Dr. Carmen Brown: Demystifying Menopause — Understanding the Transition | Bouncing Back #37

11 months ago

Menopause is often stigmatized and misunderstood, leading to feelings of shame, embarrassment, and isolation among women going through this natural…