Room by Room

Vivien Lee-Mayhue: Transform Your Closet with the KonMari Method | Room by Room #52

In this episode, host Gabriella Joustra engages in an inspiring discussion with Vivien Lee-Mayhue, a certified Master Level KonMari consultant and founder of Tidy Up Los Angeles. Discover how the transformative power of the KonMari Method can help you simplify your home and find joy in living with less.

Meet Vivien Lee-Mayhue

Vivien Lee-Mayhue is an Australian-born professional organizer living in Los Angeles. The success of using the KonMari Method in her own home inspired her to start her business, Tidy Up Los Angeles, so that she would share this method with others who were tired of living with ‘all the stuff.’ 

Vivien is a certified Master Level KonMari consultant who guides her clients through the tidying process one category at a time. She believes that decluttering creates mental space to pursue other personal and professional goals. Recently, she has added life coaching to her services, as it’s another form of tidying but focused on how thoughts & feelings create the actions & results desired. 

About the episode

In this episode, listeners will get a deeper look into the world of decluttering and organizing with Vivien, a certified Master Level KonMari consultant and the founder of Tidy Up Los Angeles. Vivien shares her personal journey of how she was inspired by the transformative power of the KonMari Method, leading her to simplify her own home and establish her business dedicated to helping others reclaim their space and find joy in living with less.

The conversation centers around Vivien’s approach as a well-rounded organizer, guiding clients through the tidying process using Marie Kondo’s method. By tackling one category at a time, Vivien helps individuals spark joy and create harmony in their homes. The discussion covers various aspects, from decluttering closets and kitchens to transforming entire living spaces, all rooted in empathy, mindfulness, and practicality.

Listeners can expect to gain invaluable insights and practical tips from Vivien as she shares her expertise and experiences. Whether you’re overwhelmed by clutter or seeking a fresh start, this episode offers guidance on how to embark on a journey to a more joyful and purposeful life by transforming your living space.

In conclusion

Key takeaways from this podcast include the transformative potential of the KonMari Method in decluttering and organizing living spaces. Vivien’s personal journey and professional expertise highlight the importance of creating harmony, joy, and purpose in homes. By embracing these values, listeners can embark on their own journey towards a more joyful and purposeful life through decluttering and organizing.

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