Self-improvement Atlas

Ryan Marinelli: How Exercise Influences Our Mental Health | Self-improvement Atlas #6

Exercise is important for people’s well-being. Those who exercise regularly have better mental and emotional health.  Since exercising helps reduce depression and anxiety and prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s. In addition, a good group fitness regimen can enhance our sense of community.

Meet Ryan Marinelli

Ryan Marinelli has worked in health and fitness settings for 8 years. During that time, he completed a Bachelor of Exercise Science and a Master of Clinical Exercise Science with honors. He has taken a great interest in researching the role various types of exercise have on clinical mental health conditions and the powerful effect exercise can have on the mind and body. 

Additionally, Ryan aspires to complete a PhD from 2023 onwards and increase the knowledge and awareness of the effects of improving health-related behaviors on the mind and body connection.

About the episode

In this episode hosted by Aditi Kutty, Mark shared that exercise’s benefit to one’s mental health —depends on what kind of mental health problems. Broadly, it can help lower stress levels, anxiety levels, and depression, and makes all general quality of life measures better if you exercise more, and it makes you feel more fulfilled at one end and content. He added that gym and group fitness can help people to increase their sense of community. 

He also that with exercise, there is a form of “I need to push, to feel that burning sensation” that trains mental toughness, confidence in oneself, and self-esteem. Then when people have obstacles that come up in life, like stress or the need to sort of push themselves a little bit, whether mentally or physically, they are prepared for that and have the mindfulness to solve the stress issues. 

According to Mark, there are three kinds of exercise that can help with personal development, including, aerobic, resistance training, and relaxation exercises. 

He also shared tips for finding a good exercise that is suitable for bipolar disorder, it is by finding what you enjoy the most and what you can stick to. He said, try to do anything where you can negate those effects of medication for bipolar. The most important one is you just need to burn energy and increase skeletal muscle to minimize the negative effects of bipolar medication.

Moreover, he said that one thing that is really good in minimizing the effect of dementia and improving brain health is learning a second language. He shared that he learns the Italian language—as he is also half Italian. 

In conclusion

Make exercise part of your everyday routine. It helps one’s overall well-being by improving your mental and physical health. For people having anxiety, dementia, and depression, there are many ways you could do to improve your brain and mental health.

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