Bouncing Back

Mei Sze Goh: Navigating Grief — A Journey to Healing | Bouncing Back #58

The feeling of grief doesn’t fade over time; it stays with you and becomes a part of your life. Some people can’t even escape this and let the grief take over their lives, causing them to dwell in a state of sadness. To heal from grief, stay tuned as Mei Sze Goh shares her tips on how to do so.

Meet Mei Sze Goh

Mei Sze Goh is a highly experienced Counsellor and Sensorimotor Art Therapist with a rich background in psychology and counseling. She holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Psychology, a Master’s in Counselling, a Diploma in Sensorimotor Art Therapy, and a Certificate in Clay Field Therapy. As the founder of Awakening Creative Therapies, Mei has spent nearly two decades in community services and pediatric palliative care.

Her work focuses on supporting children and families, training volunteers, educating communities, and developing innovative therapeutic programs. Specializing in grief and loss, as well as medical and childhood trauma, Mei has co-facilitated Art Therapy courses. She is deeply committed to providing compassionate and holistic therapy to her clients.

In her practice, Mei emphasizes using creative-based therapies to help individuals, especially children, heal from challenging experiences. She describes Sensorimotor Art Therapy as a form of psychotherapy that uses creativity and art to access the sensory base, which can be particularly effective for those who have experienced early trauma or struggle to articulate their emotions. 

Mei’s work is influenced by figures such as Tori Hayden, a notable psychologist and author whose writings on children with special needs, including autism and selective mutism, have resonated with her. Through her private practice, Mei aims to empower children to build resilience, self-esteem, and confidence, providing them with essential tools to navigate life’s challenges. Her dedication to her field is reflected in her role as a Clinical Registrant with the PACFA National Register of Psychotherapists and Counsellors, where she continues to offer dynamic and innovative therapies.

About the episode

In this episode, you will learn that grief isn’t something that just goes away over time; rather, it sticks with you, gradually becoming a part of your life. Mei Sze Goh begins by discussing how grief and resilience go hand in hand. She explains that, while some people might have the strength to handle more losses due to past tough experiences, others might, conversely, find it hard to move forward when they hit their limit.

Furthermore, Mei shares a heartfelt story about her own journey with grief. She reminisces about missing the chance to say goodbye to her mother and, later, finding comfort in the appearance of feathers. For her, these feathers felt like messages of peace and hope from her mom, ultimately helping her find a sense of purpose in her grief. This demonstrates that, even in the hardest times, you can find personal meaning in anything that helps you heal.

Additionally, the episode highlights how grief can affect your body. Mei explains that the intense emotions and stress from grief can lead to physical problems, like getting sick more often. She also shares stories of parents who, after years of worrying about their sick kids, developed serious health issues themselves. This part of the discussion serves as a reminder that your emotional and physical health are closely connected, and everyone experiences grief differently.

Moreover, external pressures, like money issues and work stress, can make grieving even harder. Mei explains how these factors can leave you feeling isolated and make your grief more intense. She encourages you to recognize these pressures and seek help, reminding you that taking care of these external issues is an important step in your healing journey.

Mei also touches on the tough choices you might face when grieving while still having family responsibilities. For instance, she shares her own experience of planning a funeral while mourning her grandmother, showing how overwhelming it can be. Mei advises giving yourself the time to grieve and not being afraid to ask for help. It’s important, she notes, to have supportive people around you who understand what you’re going through.

In addition, the episode explores how grief looks different for adults and children. Mei explains that kids might ask the same questions about death repeatedly and then quickly move on, which can be confusing for adults. However, she reassures you that this is just how kids cope. For adults, she stresses the importance of fully feeling your grief and not letting it take over your life. It’s about balancing the act of feeling your emotions and living your life.

Finally, Mei offers practical advice for supporting someone who is grieving. She suggests simple, thoughtful gestures like taking a walk or giving a hug, which can really help. She emphasizes being there for the grieving person without expecting them to act a certain way. Ultimately, it’s all about showing compassion and asking how to support them best. This part of the episode is a gentle reminder that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

In conclusion

In this episode, Mei Sze Goh emphasizes that grief is a complex, ongoing process that deeply impacts both emotional and physical well-being. She highlights the importance of resilience, finding personal meaning, and managing external pressures during times of loss.

Through sharing personal experiences and offering practical advice, Mei urges listeners to recognize their grief, seek support, and extend compassion to others who are grieving. Ultimately, the episode conveys that while grief may persist, it can be navigated with thoughtful care and understanding.

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Nia Septiani

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