Work in Progress

Maria Jeffers: Emotional Stability’s Impact on Happiness and Performance | Work in Progress #52

In this episode renowned Mental Fitness Coach Maria Jeffers explores a crucial aspect of personal development: emotional stability and its impact on happiness and performance. Through her expertise, Maria guides individuals toward greater emotional stability, enabling them to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

Meet Maria Jeffers

Maria Jeffers is an EMCC accredited coach and a skilled psychometric practitioner with a comprehensive understanding of the mindset and behaviors necessary for achieving high performance. Maria’s mission is to empower overthinkers, helping them break free from analysis paralysis and embrace decisive action. With a strong belief in the importance of wellbeing, she is dedicated to supporting others in reaching their goals. 

Maria’s extensive self-development journey, combined with her corporate background in occupational psychology, equips her with the expertise to guide individuals towards thriving. She emphasizes that true success comes from taking action and cultivating the right mindset, as knowledge alone is insufficient without implementation.

About the episode

In this episode, Joahanna Wickramaratne engages in a profound conversation with Maria Jeffers, a renowned Mental Fitness Coach, as they discuss the significance of emotional stability in personal development. The discussion aims to simplify the components of emotional stability and shed light on its impact on happiness and performance.

Maria emphasizes the detrimental effects of overthinking, which often hinders progress and leads to analysis paralysis. She shares tips and exercises designed to bolster emotional stability, equipping listeners with tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace. The conversation explores the link between emotional equilibrium and peak performance, offering insights into how harnessing emotional intelligence can revolutionize goal-setting approaches.

In conclusion

Key takeaways from this podcast include the understanding that emotional stability plays a vital role in the pursuit of happiness and productivity. Maria Jeffers highlights the effects of overthinking and offers tips and exercises to promote emotional stability. 

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