On the House

Jan Joustra: How to Wash Natural Fibers | On the House #6

Laundry hygiene is all about eliminating germs from your clothes and fabrics. Doing laundry can be frustrating and time-consuming, but it’s necessary. This episode will help you understand the importance of laundry in household management.

Meet Jan Joustra

Jan Joustra was born in the Netherlands and migrated with his family to Hobart, Tasmania, in 1960. His education was all carried out in Hobart, where he completed a Bachelor of Art at the University of Tasmania and received a Certificate in Woven Textiles from the Hobart Technical College. 

Also, Jan worked as a tutor at the Tasmanian School of Art before becoming a lecturer in textiles and design at Charles Sturt University in Albury. It was while lecturing in Albury he was accepted for ordination by the Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta. 

In 1997, he was awarded a Master of Arts degree in Fine Arts. Additionally, he has had several international postings working for the church in Hong Kong, Monaco, and New Zealand, before returning to Australia. Alongside his work in the Anglican Church, he has maintained an active interest in the arts, continuing to work in textiles and other forms of visual arts.

About the episode

The conversation started when Gabriella Joustra and Jan discussed household management’s importance. Jan said that household management is necessary since people need to live in a clean environment and keep houses reasonably clean and tidy makes for good health and makes for the functionality of the home.

Jan also shared some misconceptions about household management, including the mindset that everything has to be absolutely sterilized because it’s not good for the health to have everything sanitized all the time and that people also need to be exposed to particulates but in limited amounts and the same with bacteria; if you live in a totally sterile environment as soon as you leave that environment, you get sick.

Additionally, he discussed the pros and cons of investing in clothing made from natural fiber. He also highlights some common mistakes people make when washing and caring for natural fibers and how to repair holes and other problems in your favorite clothes.

In conclusion

Laundry is essential since all people want clean clothes and want to smell good. Also, laundry hygiene is essential for maintaining cleanliness and preventing the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses. Following the recommended practices and methods discussed in this podcast ensures that your laundry is hygienic and safe.

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