
Dr. Monica Kearney: Assessing Signs of Dating Violence | Reloscope #17

Did you know that there are many different types of relationship violence? It’s not always easy to spot the signs of abuse, but knowing what to look for is important. 

Meet Dr. Monica Kearney (Dr. K)

Dr. K is a lecturer at the University of Maryland with a background in counseling psychology.

Dr. K is passionate about teaching multicultural psychology and relationships. Her favorite book is “All About Love” by Bell Hooks, and her favorite movie is “Moana.”

About the episode

In this episode hosted by Aditi Kutty, Dr. K defines relationships and forms of dating violence. 

Dr. K discussed the warning signs of potential abuse, misconceptions, difficulties recognizing abuse, and reasons for staying in abusive relationships.

Dr. K also explained the role of power and control in dating violence and the impact of social media on relationships.

Additionally, Dr. K discussed supporting someone experiencing dating violence, addressing societal issues, and promoting self-compassion and positive affirmations.

In conclusion

Relationship abuse can take many forms, including emotional, psychological, sexual, and economic. Some warning signs are controlling behavior and love bombing, and understanding power dynamics and social media’s influence on relationships is crucial. You can support those facing abuse through self-compassion, positive affirmations, and online intervention programs. 

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