All Together

Dr. Kory Floyd: Exploring Healthy Communication’s Impact on Family Functioning | All Together #55

Communication within a family goes beyond mere words; it is the essence of connection and the cornerstone of a supportive environment. Effective communication has a profound effect on promoting a culture of positivity and resilience within families. In this episode, Dr. Floyd offers practical strategies and evidence-based advice on how to nurture positivity and resilience within your family.

Meet Dr. Kory Floyd

Dr. Kory Floyd, a professor of interpersonal communication and author of 16 books including “The Loneliness Cure: Six Strategies for Finding Real Connections in Your Life”, specializes in exploring how affection is expressed in close relationships and addressing issues related to lack of intimacy. 

Raised near Seattle, Dr. Kory earned his undergraduate degree in English from Western Washington University, followed by a master’s in communication from the University of Washington and a PhD in communication from the University of Arizona, where he now teaches.

About the episode

In this thought-provoking episode of All Together, Dr. Kory Floyd discusses the evolving definition of family, emphasizing that it varies widely among individuals and communities. He explores the concept of chosen family, particularly in marginalized communities. Dr. Kory suggests that what truly defines family is the presence of supportive relationships, regardless of blood or legal bonds.

He defines family functioning as the coordination of all family members working together towards various goals. Dysfunction occurs when the family system fails to achieve its goals or fulfill its purposes effectively. Dr. Kory highlights that family dysfunction can manifest in many ways, depending on the specific issues and complexities within each family system.

Dr. Kory emphasizes that effective communication involves balancing various styles. He highlights that a functional family encourages open dialogue and allows for disagreements without suppression. Dr. Kory also stresses the importance of expressing affection in ways that resonate with each individual’s preferences to enhance family relationships.

In conclusion

In this episode, Dr. Kory Floyd explores the nuances of effective family communication. He emphasizes that open dialogue and the respectful handling of disagreements are crucial for maintaining functional family dynamics. By understanding and adapting to each other’s preferences for expressing affection, families can strengthen their bonds and navigate their interactions more harmoniously.

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Nadine Aref

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