Raising Parents

Dr. Jennifer Hartstein: Children Suicidal Tendency | Raising Parents #17

When considering suicidal tendencies, they are often linked to adults, but here’s the thing: children and teenagers can also experience such feelings. As responsible adults, it becomes your responsibility to provide them with support and help them cope with their challenges.

Meet Dr. Jennifer Hartstein

Dr. Jennifer Harstein is a highly regarded child, adolescent, and family psychologist in New York. 

Dr. Jennifer primarily focuses on working with teenagers and plays a crucial role as a safe and supportive adult, guiding them through challenging times. 

Dr. Jennifer has a compassionate and practical approach to parenting. She believes in guiding children while giving them the space to grow and learn from their mistakes.

About the episode

In this episode hosted by Dina Sargeant, Dr. Jennifer delves into the sensitive topic of suicidal ideation.

Dr. Jennifer emphasized that parents play a pivotal role as the first line of defense in supporting their children. She also highlighted the behavioral changes in children that may serve as a red flag. 

Dr. Jennifer discussed the influence of media on suicide misconceptions and the rise of suicidal thoughts in 11 and 12-year-olds due to bullying and social media.

Dr. Jennifer presented a parenting approach that includes various techniques for managing suicidal thoughts in children.

In conclusion

It’s concerning to see younger people grappling with suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Parents and families must offer struggling children support, guidance, and understanding. To promote well-being, it is crucial to prioritize trust, connections, boundaries, and self-care. Creating a safe and supportive environment begins with encouraging open communication.

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