On the House

Dr. Duane Mellor: Sustainable Cooking — Health, Thrift, and Environment | On the House #56

In this episode of On the House: The Household Management Science Insights Podcast, host Gabriella Joustra and award-winning dietitian, Dr. Duane Mellor, tackle the topic of sustainable cooking. 

Meet Dr. Duane Mellor

Dr. Duane Mellor is a double award-winning registered dietitian and science communicator. They serve as the Aston Medical School lead for Nutrition and Evidence-Based Medicine. With a background in clinical dietetics supporting individuals living with diabetes, Dr. Duane transitioned into medical education upon joining Aston University.

Furthermore, as the Associate Dean for Public Engagement in the College of Health and Life Sciences, Dr. Duane diligently supports high-quality science and health communication while also engaging communities in designing and developing healthcare programs.

Moreover, Dr. Duane aids individuals in understanding the scientific basis behind health-related claims, thereby enabling them to make informed decisions about their well-being. Additionally, they possess extensive experience addressing a wide array of health topics across various media platforms, including print, television, and radio.

About the episode

Dr. Duane, an expert in nutrition and evidence-based medicine, joins host Gabriella to delve into the benefits of sustainable cooking for both households and communities. They provide practical advice on how to start adopting sustainable cooking practices, including tips for efficiently using ovens to prepare multiple dishes at once.

Additionally, Dr. Duane also discuss various approaches in making sustainable cooking accessible and effective. They emphasize how small changes in cooking habits can lead to significant improvements in environmental sustainability and overall health. Their insights offer valuable guidance for anyone interested in adopting more eco-friendly cooking practices and making a positive impact on their community.

In conclusion

Key Takeaways from the podcast include understanding the essence of sustainable cooking and its benefits for personal health and the environment, alongside practical tips on initiating sustainable cooking practices, including utilizing ovens efficiently and creatively using older vegetables.

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