Raising Parents

Dr. David Roy: Educational Pathways: Homeschooling vs. Traditional Schooling | Raising Parents #33

The concept of homeschooling has arisen globally as both a solution and a dilemma for parents, especially with traditional schooling encountering unprecedented challenges. Dr. David Roy will illuminate the nuances of homeschooling versus traditional schooling, essential for understanding the diverse paths to educational success.

Meet Dr. David Roy

Dr. David Roy is a distinguished educator and researcher in Education and Creative Arts at the University of Newcastle. His research resonates with the heart of inclusion and equity practices, particularly concerning children with disabilities and their engagement with the arts.

His contributions extend to being a foundational NESA Home School Consultative Group member. His leadership journey includes spearheading the 2017 NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into education for children with disabilities and his involvement in 8 NSW Education advisory groups supporting their needs. He’s been a discerning judge for the Australian Education Awards since their inception.

With a firm footing in policy and education, Dr. David has collaborated extensively with politicians and policymakers across diverse political affiliations. His influence has propelled the progression of the NSWDoE Suspension Policy while spotlighting educational matters within NSW Budget Estimates.

His impressive portfolio features publications that have earned recognition, such as Teaching the Arts: Early Childhood and Primary (2019), published by Cambridge University Press. Dr. David’s dedication has garnered accolades like the ‘Most Influential Educator 2022 (Australia)’ and the 2022 University of Newcastle CHSF Leadership Award.

About the episode

In this episode, Dr. David Roy explores the differences between homeschooling and traditional schooling. He shares his experiences and research, explaining things clearly and straightforwardly. He talks about what homeschooling and traditional schooling means and why more families choose homeschooling, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

But Dr. David doesn’t just talk about schooling. He also discusses the importance of respecting everyone’s identity, especially for people with disabilities. He tells stories and shares innovative ideas about including everyone in education. You’ll learn much about making education fair for everyone as you listen.

As he continues, he helps you understand homeschooling better. He talks about its benefits, like having more control over what you learn, and its challenges, like needing a lot of time and money. By the end, you’ll better understand homeschooling and traditional schooling and why it’s crucial to think about what’s best for the children.

In conclusion

Homeschooling offers flexibility and personalized learning but also presents time and financial constraints. Yet, beyond these practical considerations, there’s a deeper issue at play—the importance of inclusivity, respect, and individuality in education. Therefore, it’s back to you as parents about which way you want to aim, as long as it has the same goal in mind: you are not just making educational decisions; you are making one where your child’s potential is nurtured and valued.

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Nia Septiani

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