On the House

Dr. Ben Stickle: Home Intruder and Porch Pirates | On the House #14

It is common to be unsure about how safe your home is from intruders or trespassers. So, it’s important to understand the measures required to safeguard your home.

Meet Dr. Ben Stickle

Ben Stickle, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Administration at Middle Tennessee State University. He is a criminologist who specializes in property crime and policing. 

Dr. Ben holds a Ph.D. in Justice Administration from the University of Louisville. His research on metal theft, package theft, and emerging crime trends has significantly contributed to criminology. He has published several scholarly journal articles, chapters, and books. He has almost twenty years of experience in law enforcement and private security. 

About the episode

In this episode, hosted by Gabriella Joustra, Dr. Ben Stickle discusses how to maintain a secure home. He emphasizes the importance of knowing your neighbors and tailoring security measures to your specific risks and circumstances.

Dr. Ben explained the differences between theft, burglary, robbery, and home invasion, as well as the common motivations and profiles of home intruders and porch pirates. He also discussed the various security methods that can help prevent or deter break-ins, the challenges of the sharing economy, and how digital contracts can help reduce crime.

In conclusion

Protecting your home is crucial for a sense of safety and peace. Use various security systems to deter burglars and porch pirates. Participating in your community can provide an extra layer of support. A holistic approach to home security protects your property and enhances your well-being.

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