Work in Progress

Dr. Anirudh Agrawal: Remote Productivity — Unleashed Mastering the Art of Work from Home | Work in Progress #47

Many folks are hopping on the remote work train these days because it offers such sweet flexibility! But, let’s be real, working from home can have its share of challenges, like feeling unproductive. Tune in as Dr. Anirudh Agrawal chats about how to rock remote productivity, sharing tips to boost your efficiency and keep that work-life balance in check.

Meet Dr. Anirudh Agrawal

Dr. Anirudh Agrawal, an Associate Professor at O.P. Jindal Global University, is an expert in sustainability, strategy, and entrepreneurship. He completed his doctoral studies at Copenhagen Business School and holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering from INSA Lyon and Punjab Engineering College. 

With his teaching experience at various institutions and additional training from Harvard Business School and FLAME University, his interests lie in corporate strategy, CSR, and social entrepreneurship. 

He’s published extensively on sustainable business models and is currently working on his fourth book, focusing on sustainability, organizational strategy, and the future of work.

About the episode

In the episode, remote working and its productivity advantages are discussed. Dr. Anirudh emphasizes the importance of optimizing the home workspace to prevent procrastination and enhance productivity. He explains the connection between having a productive work environment at home and remote work productivity, emphasizing that remote work requires strategies to maintain productivity and avoid procrastination. 

Here are some of his strategies on how to maintain productivity while working remotely:

  • Managerial Perspective: Think of productivity in remote work as meeting specific tasks within deadlines and delivering quality work according to your manager’s expectations.
  • Individual Perspective: Whether you’re freelancing or working remotely, productivity means meeting external demands while striving for your personal standards of excellence.
  • Quality Perception: Remote work allows for subjective views on quality. You may have your own idea of what excellent work looks like, which might differ from your manager’s view.
  • Self-Monitoring: With less direct supervision in remote settings, it’s up to you to stay on top of your tasks and ensure your work meets both external standards and your own high bar.

Dr. Anirudh Agrawal encourages you to embrace the culture of your organization, even when working remotely. Remember, productivity isn’t just about quantity—it’s also about embodying the art and vibe of your workplace, no matter where you are.

In conclusion

In summary, remote work can greatly enhance productivity when approached strategically, as Dr. Anirudh Agrawal suggests. By optimizing your home workspace and adhering to organizational culture, you can maintain high standards of work quality while working remotely. It’s crucial to balance external expectations with personal standards and embrace self-monitoring to ensure task completion and sustained productivity levels.

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