Work in Progress

Dina Sargeant: Goal Setting and Moving Forward | Work in Progress #8

Are you struggling to achieve your goals? Goal setting is important to achieve milestones along the way to attain bigger long-term goals and also allows you to track your results for achieving daily goals.

Meet Dina Sargeant

Dina Sargeant has studied at Victoria University, where she completed her Bachelor of Communication and Education, and is currently completing her Masters in Communication. She has interned at ABC and interviewed many incredible people over the years. 

Currently, she hosts two LMSL podcasts; All Together, a podcast about family science, and Raising Parents, a podcast dedicated to parenting. 

About the episode

This podcast episode is hosted by Tia Harmer, joined by her colleague, Dina, who started the conversation when the latter discussed personal productivity. According to Dina, it is all about being productive, finding a schedule that suits you, implementing it in your daily life, getting things done that need to get done, and having the time to do so. 

She doesn’t necessarily think that everything needs to be work-related. Instead, anything that will contribute to your life.

Dina also advised that you must be as specific as you can be when breaking down ways to achieve your goal, especially in terms of time, energy, and the length you’re about to go in order to be able to complete that goal. And it is also vital to recognize the gap between where you are now and what your goal is.

In conclusion

When talking about goals, it sometimes means something other than this big, grand thing that you want to achieve in the long run. Little goals matter as well.

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