Raising Parents

Darcia Narvaez: Childhood Flourish – The Essence of the Evolved Nest | Raising Parents #58

In this episode of Raising Parents: The Parenting Science Insights Podcast, host Marie Stella Quek and Professor Darcia Narvaez tackle the core of child development with an exploration of “Childhood Flourish – The Essence of the Evolved Nest.” Prepare to immerse in groundbreaking concepts that could revolutionize parenting techniques and cultivate a flourishing future for children.

Meet Darcia Narvaez

Darcia Narvaez is a Professor Emerita of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame. She is a Fellow of several prestigious associations, including the American Psychological Association, American Educational Research Association, Association for Psychological Science, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Born in Minnesota (USA), she grew up living worldwide as a bilingual/bicultural Puerto Rican-German American, but considers Earth her home.

In addition to her impressive academic credentials, Narvaez has had a diverse range of past careers, including working as a professional musician, business owner, classroom music and Spanish teacher, and seminarian, among others. Thus, she employs an interdisciplinary approach to investigate evolved morality, child development, and human flourishing.

Furthermore, her recent works encompass titles such as “Restoring the Kinship Worldview” and “The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities.” Notably, her book “Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture, and Wisdom” received the 2015 William James Book Award from the American Psychological Association and the 2017 Expanded Reason Award.

In addition to her written works, Narvaez has also produced informative short films including “Breaking the Cycle,” “The Evolved Nest,” and “Reimagining Humanity.” She not only oversees the webpage EvolvedNest.org but also fulfills the role of president at KindredWorld.org.

About the episode

In this episode, you can learn valuable insights from Darcia, a distinguished researcher with a wealth of experience in prestigious academic associations. Darcia’s research explores the intriguing realms of evolved morality, child development, and human flourishing, showcasing her multifaceted expertise in these critical areas.

A key highlight of the episode will be Darcia’s exploration of the “evolved nest” concept. This approach underscores the profound importance of physical closeness and touch in nurturing the overall wellbeing and development of young children.

Furthermore, the episode will delve into Darcia’s insights on the enduring advantages of responsive parenting. You can expect to gain practical strategies and guidance on how to incorporate the principles of the evolved nest into your own parenting practices. This practical knowledge has the potential to empower you, equipping you with the tools to create nurturing environments that foster the optimal growth and development of children.

In conclusion

The podcast highlights how understanding child development through the evolved nest perspective can significantly impact parenting approaches and child well-being. Embracing responsive parenting practices and incorporating essential elements like physical touch can foster a nurturing, connected family environment. This, in turn, promotes long-term emotional and social growth in children.

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