
Catherine E. Aponte, Psy.D.: Breaking Gendered Stereotypes in Relationships | Reloscope #39

In this episode, join host Marie Stella and Dr. Catherine Aponte as they explore gender expectations and stereotypes within relationships. Dr. Catherine addresses the problem of traditional gender norms and provides actionable insights for creating more equitable and fulfilling partnerships.

Meet Catherine Aponte

Catherine Aponte is a clinical psychologist who has worked with couples for 30 years in her private practice in Louisville, KY, USA. She currently writes a Psychology Today blog ( and contributes to The Good Men Project ( 

Throughout her career, Dr. Aponte has been devoted to helping couples create and maintain a committed and equitable relationship. Her guide to achieving a committed, equitable, and vibrant family and work life is in her book, A Marriage of Equals: How to Achieve Balance in a Committed Relationship. 

She earned a Master’s and a Doctorate degree at Duke University and the Spalding University School of Professional Psychology, respectively. She was an Associate Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychology at Spalding University, where she taught general psychology, martial therapy, and clinical practicum courses.

About the episode

Throughout the episode, Dr. Aponte explains the impact of societal norms on gender roles and how these expectations can shape relationships. She discusses the challenges individuals face in breaking free from these confines and the importance of embracing diversity within partnerships. 

By challenging traditional paradigms, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play and discover actionable steps to create more equitable and fulfilling relationships.

In conclusion

Key takeaways from this discussion include the importance of challenging traditional gender roles, empowering oneself to break free from societal expectations, and promoting equitable dynamics within relationships. By embracing diversity and gaining knowledge from this episode, listeners will be better prepared to handle partnership dynamics and go on a journey toward healthier, more fulfilling connections.

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