Doing Well

Aditi Kutty: Prioritize Rest, Avoid Burnout | Doing Well #32

The podcast episode features host Lu Ngo and guest Aditi Kutty who used to host "Personal Science" and "Relationship Science,"…

2 years ago

Gabriella Joustra: The Ebb and Flow of the Love of Learning | Doing Well #31

The universal love of learning is a powerful force that propels you to new heights of knowledge and achievement. Yet,…

2 years ago

Dr. Helena Popovic MBBS: Ways to Train the Brain for Your Well-being | Doing Well #30

Emotional well-being is frequently compromised as individuals grapple with the demands of a fast-paced and stressful lifestyle. Using these practical…

2 years ago

Aditi Subramaniam, Ph.D.: Cultivating Empathy for Well-being & Social Connections | Doing Well #29

Amidst modern life's challenges, individuals may struggle to appreciate empathy's multifaceted nature and its implications for personal and collective well-being.…

2 years ago

Laurie Mintz, Ph.D.: The Orgasm Gap – Causes and Personal and Societal Solutions | Doing Well #28

Sex is a critical part of relationships, but there are so many societal and cultural implications surrounding it that conversations…

2 years ago

Julia Feerrar: Digital Media Literacy | Doing Well #27

The world is becoming more interconnected, making the internet and digital media everywhere in daily life. While it has a…

2 years ago

Jessica Maxwell, Ph.D.: The Role of Sexual Empowerment in Well-Being | Doing Well #26

Sexual empowerment is vital to one’s overall well-being. How you take care of yourself sexually can have a significant impact…

2 years ago

Lauren Chelec Cafritz: Techniques of Mindful Breathing | Doing Well #25

Did you know that taking a few minutes to practice mindful breathing daily can do wonders for your health and…

2 years ago

Pallavi Srivastava: To Grow Does Not Mean to Be Perfect | Doing Well #24

Personal growth is not just about improving your skills or reaching goals; it's also a thrilling adventure that includes having…

2 years ago

Courtney Wennerstrom, Ph.D., ABD: Strengthening the Human-Animal Bond | Doing Well #23

Did you know that the bond between humans and animals can profoundly impact individual well-being? Having pets has countless benefits,…

2 years ago