Rosina McAlpine: Children Body Positivity | Raising Parents #3

2 years ago

Parents have a strong influence — both positive and negative — in the formation of their child’s body image. In…

Donna McGeorge: Workplace Productivity – Rejecting the Typical Working Hours | Work in Progress #3

2 years ago

What does it take to become more productive at work? Also, are there times when you stop a task that…

La Vergne Lehmann: Waste Management | On the House #3

2 years ago

Is waste management a constant problem for your household? Or maybe you're on a journey to zero waste but don't…

Amelia Twiss: How to Motivate Yourself | Bouncing Back #3

2 years ago

How do you stay motivated when your heart isn’t in it? Regardless of how generally motivated you are, we all…

The Science of Human Connection

2 years ago

As social creatures, humans are innately longing for connections. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, people are starting to pay more attention…

How to Help Children Develop Healthy Screen Time

2 years ago

The advancement of technology in the 21st century has changed the ways people communicate, study, and work. Children's lives have…

Overcoming the Fear of Emotional Intimacy

2 years ago

If you’ve never experienced emotional intimacy, it could be because you’re afraid of getting too close to someone. If you’ve…

How Self-Awareness Helps You Adapt Better in a Diverse Workplace

2 years ago

Diversity is becoming a trend in workplaces. Surveys show that the demographic of the workforce is growing more diverse than…

Discovering the Message in Each Emotion

2 years ago

“But feelings can't be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.” — Anne Frank  Imagine living without emotions.…

Amy Dirks: Mental Health & How Nutrition Can Affect It | Self-improvement Atlas #2

2 years ago

Did you know that anxiety, depression, trouble focusing, brain fog, and other mental health issues have a connection with lifestyle,…