On the House

Alfred Rochon: Creating Safe Homes for Seniors and People with Disabilities | On the House #37

Many homes and public spaces lack the necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities or limited mobility, creating barriers to their independence and participation. Conducting thorough assessments in residential and commercial settings to identify and address accessibility barriers ensures that spaces are safe and navigable for individuals with diverse needs.

Meet Alfred Rochon

Alfred Rochon is a seasoned professional with a diverse Interior Design and Home Renovation background. He spent over thirty years in Ontario, Canada, before relocating to British Columbia to be close to his growing family. His life took an unexpected turn on July 7, 2016, when he experienced a stroke. Since that day, Alfred has shown incredible determination and resilience in his recovery journey. 

In 2020, he founded Accessible Places, a company with a mission to make life more inclusive and accessible for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Through accessibility assessments and a wide range of mobility products, Alfred and his team at Accessible Places are committed to meeting the unique needs of their clients, making their lives easier and more fulfilling. With a passion for creating “a place for all,” Alfred continues to inspire and impact the lives of those around him through his unwavering dedication to accessibility and inclusivity.

About the episode

Alfred Roshan’s work involves conducting thorough assessments in residential and commercial settings to identify potential accessibility barriers. These assessments are crucial for mobility, sensory, or cognitive challenges. Whether it’s ensuring that power outlets are within reach or that carpets don’t pose a tripping hazard, the goal is to make spaces navigable and comfortable for everyone.

He draws inspiration from the Rick Hansen Foundation, which provided him with valuable training and certification. Alfred’s journey, particularly his Man in Motion World Tour, is a powerful reminder that individuals with disabilities can lead fulfilling lives and inspire positive change.

Home safety is paramount, especially for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Clutter, hazardous materials, and inadequate emergency preparations can pose significant risks. Simple modifications, such as installing grab bars in bathrooms and ensuring clear pathways, can drastically reduce the likelihood of accidents. Proper lighting, smooth surface transitions, and accessible doorways can make a home safer.

Alfred highlighted several areas that require attention to prevent injuries. He also stressed the importance of emergency preparedness, including maintaining smoke detectors and having a clear evacuation plan.

Technological advancements, like 3D printing, offer new possibilities for creating assistive devices and prosthetics at a lower cost. Alfred’s involvement in projects that provide these devices to individuals in need illustrates the potential for technology to improve lives. Additionally, community support, including government grants and volunteer initiatives, is crucial in making accessibility improvements more attainable.

In conclusion

Creating a safe and accessible home is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration of individual needs and challenges. Through expert assessments and practical modifications, it’s possible to create environments that support independence and well-being for seniors and people with disabilities. A combination of inspiration, innovation, and community involvement can lead to meaningful improvements in accessibility and safety.

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